How a new Modafinil forum allows one online retailer to offer a win/win situation

Online forums are nothing new, but one entrepreneur has used this format to boost sales and enhance customer service. The owners of ModUp, a manufacturer and distributor of cognitive enhancing supplements like Modafinil have created a forum dedicated to questions about their products, shipping, and the lifestyle around nootropics. This single step has helped to create a sense of transparency and acts as an educational resource that first-time visitors can access for answers to their questions.

Nootropics came into the limelight in the 2011 film “Limitless”, starring Bradley Cooper. By helping to bring brain supplements into the broader public discussion, manufacturers of the supplements felt a need to dispel myths about the product. Modafinil, unlike the science fiction medicine used in the movie, does not create instant geniuses, but it does help to safely enhance people’s natural gifts and abilities. Moreover it counteracts the effects of lethargy by increasing energy levels so that individuals can be more productive on the job. This has led to a wider adoption of the supplement within society’s mainstream.

In fact, a recent news article in the Guardian shows that a large proportion of university students in Britain are looking to smart drugs now more than ever in order to gain a mental edge over their classmates. While the debate rages about whether this approach to academics is fair, or just another form of competition, it is clear that ModUp’s forum has benefited due to the fact that it is one of very few Modafinil–related online forums where students can do their own research.

Given the cost of higher education, the uncertainty of the global economy, and the number of individuals trying to get ahead on the job, it is unsurprising that career-conscious individuals around the globe would look for an advantage that would allow them to plow through their heavy workload and still have energy left over for a social life.

Modafinil’s original use was for narcolepsy, a sleep disorder that prevents sufferers from living meaningful, alerts lives. Compared to other over-the-counter drugs like caffeine, however, it stands head and shoulders above due to its ability to stop prolonged feelings of lethargy. Night shift workers, military and police, athletes, and university students all struggle with demanding schedules and significant emotional pressure to perform. It is individuals from these backgrounds who find forums to be a helpful resource because it allows them to interact with other, more experienced users of nootropics.

In the form itself you will find questions about dosage, interactions, side effects, and general chat around human performance. With self-help and lifestyle design gurus like Tim Ferriss, the author of The Four Hour Workweek and The Four Hour Body, promoting Modafinil, it appears that ModUp is poised for market ready for explosive growth.

“The forum was an idea that just came to us one night”, said one owner, “we were sitting around talking about how to improve customer service when one of us decided that it might be more helpful to have both a live chat and a place where customers could go to talk among themselves and ask deeper questions related to MoUp.” According to the company, the fourm has been a great success in terms of customer adoption, care, and retention.

Whether or not readers are interested in cognitive enhancement, the business model itself warrants a second look from those who may also be online retailers. By allowing customers a place to discuss products and services, within a moderated environment, and with no heavy-handed selling or ulterior motives involved, they will feel more in touch with the company because they see firsthand how much effort is put in to ensure they are being taken care of through the Modafinil forum itself.